Dear Commanders,
Headquarters will carry out maintenance on 11/23, 12:00 A.M. (UTC-7) for approximately 8 hours. Any change in the update progress will be announced on our Facebook / Twitter pages. During the maintenance period, our servers will be unavailable.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period.
Target Servers
All servers on Android and iOS
List of New Contents
New Events
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
The Ninja Scrolls: Azur Flash
※During the event, sortie to event stages to earn event PT and exchangethem for rewards including the limited character Ikaruga.
※During the event, accumulate PT to earn rewards including the limited character Murasaki.
Shinobi Mission Board (Complete all available missions to obtain great rewards. You may open 1 Shinobi Missive every day until 11/29. Each Shinobi Missive contains 2 missions. Complete all 7 to obtain limited collab furniture.)
The Ninja Scrolls (Complete event missions and collect 7 Secret Orbs to obtain commemorative furniture.)
Ninjutsu Dojo (Train 7 collab characters to get great rewards, including the collab character Homura.)
Event Hub (Shinobi Village)
Rental Outfits (Log in during the event period to earn 3 Rental Outfit Vouchers, which can be used on the following skins: Asuka – Blue Oceans, Ikaruga – A Moment of Peace, Fubuki – Sunset Witch.)
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/13, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Rapid Training Campaign (During the campaign, log in to obtain Skill Books and 20 Wisdom Cubes. Each day during the campaign, you will be able to finish 10 classes immediately when using Skill Books in the Tactical Class.)
Available for a limited-time between 12/1 – 1/31, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Cruise Missions (During the campaign season, accumulate progress points to earn rewards.)
Cruise Missions Rewards will consist of Regular Rewards and Fair Winds Rewards. Regular Rewards will be available to all while the Fair Winds Rewards will require the purchase of Fair Winds Cruise Pass.
During the campaign season, complete missions and accumulate progress points to get Regular Rewards including the limited character Erebus META and Specialized Bulin Custom MKIII.
Purchasing the Fair Winds Cruise Pass for $9.99 will grant 1,500 progress points immediately. Additionally, accumulate progress points to get Fair Winds Rewards including Hatsuharu’s limited outfit “Hatsuharu’s Cat Café Caper”.
The campaign missions, progress points, Fair Winds Cruise Pass and rewards will only be available during the campaign season
Available for a limited-time between 12/1 – 12/31, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Extreme Challenge – Sagittarius (The next boss, “Warspite”, will automatically rotate when the month changes to December. Assemble the best fleet you can and clear challenge stages to earn limited portrait and chat frame of Sagittarius.)
New Characters
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Asuka (Rate up in event construction pool)
Ikaruga (Available in event construction pool)
Yumi (Rate up in event construction pool)
Fubuki (Rate up in event construction pool)
Yūyaki (Rate up in event construction pool)
Available as an event reward for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/13, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Exchange available in PT shop for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/13, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Available as a reward of accumulated PT for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/13, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Obtainable from Cruise Missions for a limited-time between 12/1/2023 – 1/31/2024, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Erebus META
New Skins
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Asuka – Blue Oceans
Ikaruga – A Moment of Peace
Homura – The Shinobi Angler
Yumi – Afternoon Teatime
Fubuki – Sunset Witch
Murasaki – Laundry Day
Yūyaki – Blue Sky Lagoon
Takao – Divine Exorcist’s Blade (Dynamic)
Obtainable from Cruise Missions for a limited-time between 12/1/2023 – 1/31/2024, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Hatsuharu – Hatsuharu’s Cat Café Caper
New Items in Shop
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Limited Build Supplies (1 purchase limited)
Limited Strategic Supplies (5 purchases limited)
Decor Tokens Pack (2 purchases limited)
Cognitive Chip Pack (2 purchases limited)
Available for a limited-time between 11/23/2023 – 4/3/2024, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Skill Book Pack (4 purchases limited)
Limited Build Supplies II (2 purchases limited)
Augment Update
Asuka: Twin Blades – Two-Sided Winding Flash
Ikaruga: Sword Draw – Phoenix’s Flashing Flight
Homura: Six Swords – Charging Homura
Yumi: Folding Fan – Frosty Sleeves Snow Dance
Fubuki: Feather Fan – Purple Ice Linked Blossoms
Murasaki: Shuriken – Full Moon Hidden in Shade
Yūyaki: Tachis – Hankane
New Furiniture
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Shinobi Mansion
New Gear Box
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Gear Skin Box (Kagura)
Available for a limited-time between 11/23 – 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
New content added
Monthly Update
December’s login furniture
Manjuu Bonfire
CV Update
Asuka – Hitomi Harada
Ikaruga – Asami Imai
Homura – Eri Kitamura
Yumi – Yumi Hara
Fubuki – Kana Asumi
Murasaki – Sayuri Yahagi
Yūyaki – Rika Tachibana
Erebus META – Saya Horigome
Asuka – Blue Oceans – Hitomi Harada
Ikaruga – A Moment of Peace – Asami Imai
Homura – The Shinobi Angler – Eri Kitamura
Yumi – Afternoon Teatime – Yumi Hara
Fubuki – Sunset Witch – Kana Asumi
Murasaki – Laundry Day – Sayuri Yahagi
Yūyaki – Blue Sky Lagoon – Rika Tachibana
Takao – Divine Exorcist’s Blade (Dynamic) – Ai Kakuma
Asuka EX – Hitomi Harada
Ikaruga EX – Asami Imai
Homura EX – Eri Kitamura
Yumi EX – Yumi Hara
Fubuki EX – Kana Asumi
Murasaki EX – Sayuri Yahagi
Yūyaki EX – Rika Tachibana
System Optimization
● Fixed the issue where the “DMG negation” skill effects did not take effect normally during combat in some cases;
● Fixed the issue where the countdown did not start normally during Cat Box training in some cases.
Event Reminder
The following event will be unavailable after 11/22, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Call to Arms: Sakura Empire Rerun redemption
The following event will be unavailable after 11/26, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
3x Core Data Campaign
The following event will be unavailable after 11/30, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Black Friday Boon
Black Friday Limited-time Rerun Outfits
Black Friday Akashi’s Fire Sale Part I & II
The following event will be unavailable after 12/6, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Black Friday Akashi’s Fire Sale Part I redemption
Characters Reminders
The following characters will be unavailable after 11/23, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Friendly Reminders
During maintenance, do not delete your game.
During maintenance, you cannot play the game.
Please quit the game before the maintenance begins.
The duration of the maintenance will be adjusted according to the progress of the patch.
Maintenance Compensation
Accounts created before 11/23/2023, 12:00 A.M. (UTC-7)
From Headquarters
Contact us: al.cs@yo-star.com