Dear Commanders,
Headquarters will carry out maintenance on 5/21, 12:00 A.M. (UTC-7) for approximately 8 hours. Any change in the update progress will be announced on our Facebook / X pages. During the maintenance period, our servers will be unavailable.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period.
Target Servers
All servers on Android and iOS
List of New Contents
New Events
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Light of the Martyrium (During the event, play event stages to collect PT to earn special rewards.)
※During the event, sortie to event stages to earn event PT “UR Voucher” and exchange them for the limited UR character Mogador. (Mogador can be exchanged up to 2 times. UR Voucher can be obtained by completing SP levels, daily missions, challenge missions, Manjuu Plumbing, event PT shop, etc.)
※During the event, sortie to event stages to earn event PT “Golden Crystal Fragments” and exchange them for rewards including the limited character Béarn META.
※During the event, accumulate event PT “Golden Crystal Fragments” to earn rewards including the limited character Épée.
Pleasure, Leisure, and Treasure! (During the event period, complete the Cruise Logbook and play the minigame to earn great rewards.)
※Cruise Logbook (Explore the massive cruise ship and complete tasks on your cruise schedule to receive rewards including a chat frame, a portrait, and an event trophy.)
※Manjuu Plumbing (Play the minigame for 7 days to get Early Summer Invitation 2024 and invite an SR ship.)
Early Summer Invitation 2024 (During the campaign, collect rewards from “Manjuu Plumbing” for 7 days to get a special invitation. The special invitation can be used from the Depot to obtain one of the following SR ships: Illustrious, Tosa, Amagi, Sirius, Chapayev, Tashkent, Graf Zeppelin, Prinz Heinrich.)
Special Login Campaign (Log in during the campaign period to earn rewards.)
Wishing Well (Choose up to 2 characters added to the three permanent build pools before 2024/3/21 to have them as rate up. The rarity of these ships will determine their build chance.)
Rental Outfits (Log in during the event period to earn 3 Rental Outfit Vouchers, which can be used on the following skins: Alsace – Heat-Beating Summer Sacrament (L2D), Mogador – Locker Room Lechery (L2D) , St.Louis – An Afternoon on the Lido Deck (L2D).)
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/26, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
During the event, players under Lv.80 will earn double commander and ship EXP from sorties.
New Characters
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Alsace (Rate up in event construction pool)
Brennus (Rate up in event construction pool)
Fleuret (Rate up in event construction pool)
Béarn META (Available in event construction pool)
※Alsace will have a rate of 1.2% in the upcoming Limited Construction. Additionally, after every 200 event construction attempts, an additional copy of Alsace can be obtained (limit of 4 times). This process won’t be affected by whether Alsace appears in the construction attempt or not. Accumulated construction attempts will not carry over to the next limited construction event.
Exchange available in PT shop for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/19, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Béarn META
Available as a reward of accumulated PT for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/19, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
New Retrofit
Available permanently
Colorado (Retrofit)
New Skins
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Alsace – Heat-Beating Summer Sacrament (L2D)
Mogador – Locker Room Lechery (L2D)
St.Louis – An Afternoon on the Lido Deck (L2D)
Emden – Duet of Guiding Stars (Dynamic)
Harbin – Set Sail for Summer Treasure (Dynamic)
Brennus – Musician on Blade’s Precipice
Fleuret – Up All Knight to Get Lucky
Épée – Poor, Lonely Knight
New Items in Shop
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Swimsuit Lucky Bag 2024 (1 purchase limited)
Swimsuit Lucky Bag 2023 Rerun (1 purchase limited)
Limited Build Supplies (1 purchase limited)
Decor Tokens Pack (2 purchases limited)
Limited Strategic Supplies (5 purchases limited)
Cognitive Chip Pack (2 purchases limited)
New Furniture
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Furniture Set (Holiday Cruise)
Rerun Furniture
Available permanently
Furniture Set (Snowy New Year Street)
Furniture Set (St. Manjuu Chapel)
Furniture Set (Manjuu Frontier Town)
Furniture Set (Manjuu Summer Festival)
Furniture Set (Port Café)
New Gearbox
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Gear Skin Box (Cruise)
Available for a limited-time between 5/21 – 6/12, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
New content added
META Shop Update
Available permanently
META Crystal – Béarn META (available for purchase after 6/19, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7))
CV Update
Alsace – Aki Toyosaki
Mogador – Mari Hino
Brennus – Sayaka Kikuchi
Béarn META – Asami Takano
Fleuret – Miria Takagishi
Épée – Minami Kurisaka
Colorado (Retrofit) – Rie Suegara
Alsace – Heat-Beating Summer Sacrament (L2D) – Aki Toyosaki
Mogador – Locker Room Lechery (L2D) – Mari Hino
St.Louis – An Afternoon on the Lido Deck (L2D) – Yoko Hikasa
Emden – Duet of Guiding Stars (Dynamic) – Honoka Inoue
Harbin – Set Sail for Summer Treasure (Dynamic) – Akina Houmoto
Brennus – Musician on Blade’s Precipice – Sayaka Kikuchi
Fleuret – Up All Knight to Get Lucky – Miria Takagishi
Épée – Poor, Lonely Knight – Minami Kurisaka
Alsace EX – Aki Toyosaki
Mogador EX – Mari Hino
Brennus EX – Sayaka Kikuchi
Fleuret EX – Miria Takagishi
Épée EX – Minami Kurisaka
System Optimization
Updated main menu UI. After this maintenance, Commanders can freely choose to use the new version or the old version of the main interface UI.
Added a special dock for META shipgirls. META shipgirls go into your special dock and do not take up regular dock space.
Added a new button in Dorm to collect all available resources at once.
Changed the academy scene into Summer.
Fixed some UI and text problems.
Event Reminder
The following event will be unavailable after 5/20, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
The Pursuit of Little Spee Rerun
Characters Reminder
The following characters will be unavailable after 5/20, 11:59 P.M. (UTC-7)
Little Spee
Friendly Reminders
During maintenance, do not delete your game.
During maintenance, you cannot play the game.
Please quit the game before the maintenance begins.
The duration of the maintenance will be adjusted according to the progress of the patch.
Maintenance Compensation
Accounts created before 5/21/2024, 12:00 A.M. (UTC-7)
From Headquarters
Contact us: al.cs@yo-star.com